Sunday, November 15, 2009

Exciting New Direction

My novel, Oilspill dotcom, has just been published as an e-book by Smashwords. It's available for an introductory price of $3.99 and can be downloaded to Kindle, Sony Reader, iPhone or any computer. Feeling very 21st Century!
Advert aside - this is exciting!

Mark Coker, the founder of Smashwords has "meat grinder" technology (his term). You provide him with the manuscript and he puts it through his grinder, producing an e-book that can work on any e-book format currently available. He is committed to enable Smashwords books to be compatible with the new Barnes & Noble electronic reader due out this month and the new Apple reader due in January.

Being an author himself and committed to the e-book revolution, Coker offers authors up to an unprecedented 85% royalty, thereby encouraging his authors to price their book at a lower level, representing the savings in materials, distribution, storage and marketing.

I am excited to be part of the revolution. The reality is that most of us buy our books used, borrow from the library, or pass along to friends. None of these methods provide royalties to the author.

$15-$30 for a book is not sustainable and we are no longer surprised to see many 'bestsellers' now deeply discounted in bins at the front of B&N, Borders, or the supermarket.

So, I'm feeling very 21st Century. Over the next few weeks I hope to offer a few insights into the e-book revolution (as I research it myself).

One request: Please go into the Smashwords website, check it out, and let me know what you think. Comment here on the blog or shoot me an email to alshalev at Bigfoot dot com.

Good Writing & Reading,

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